a quick review over the past few days. monday was a very good day on the lower river in spite of the gale force winds and low water, fish were up randomly feeding on dry's.
Tuesday did the same beat on the lower river, less wind, blizzard Caddis. A few Hendricksons and a meager spinnerfall.
Yesterday was spent wading on the lower east. Caddis are on with a few Hedrickson's during the afternoon and a late burst of brown caddis had fish feeding sub-surface, No spinnerfall on our beat.
With no significant precipitation in the forecast, water levels are low, clear and stable. Hale Eddy gauge is 268. Temp. at Hancock this am is 54 degrees. Fishes Eddy is 597 at 55 degrees. The main at Lordville is running 1140 cfs with a temp of 59.4.
We need some rain and cloud cover to slow down the warming trend over the past couple of days.